May 4, 2012

May Goals/Plans/Etc

Well, in two days I will already be 2 months into my healthy/natural hair journey. I have been wearing a u-part that I made with my Indian hair that I've had for about two years. I used a spandex cap and I secured it with bobby pins and half wig combs. I didn't really like how that worked but I was still able to GHE every night. Last night I redid it and made it into a side u-part and I used a weaving cap. I love it much better. I decided to sew it on this morning and I loved it even more! My only problem with that is, I won't be able to GHE at night because it's sewn on. So, I just cut the thread and now I'm letting my hair/scalp breathe. I figure I'll just sew it on in the morning before work and take it out at night. This way I can stay committed to my GHE which I adore.

Last Month was a bust. Though I managed to GHE every night. I wasn't keeping my hair moisturized, nor did I stick to my regimen. As I stated in my last post, I only washed about twice last month and I slapped oil on my braids before bed/the GHE. When I did my mini length check I noticed no progress and I got pissed off. So now, I'm starting back strong like I did when I first started. School and work kept me busy, but school is out so that means more time to care for my hair and more fun protective styles.

It's true that hair thrives off moisture because I moisturized and made sure my hair was dampened when I did the GHE at night the first month of my journey and I grew almost a full inch of hair! If I keep it up, I can PRAYER(fully) be BSB by December.

I'm currently doing my Olive Oil Challenge.
-EVOO on Scalp
-Seal with EVOO
-EVOO/CANTU/Water Mixture to keep hair moisturized before GHE

Hopefully, I can grow a full inch this month as well. We shall see!

I'm trying to fill in my edges and grow out my leave out! It's so short from bad home perms! I have lots of new growth though. Have not relaxed my leave out since December. That was the last time ever!


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