March 7, 2012

V05 for Co-Washing

It has been said everywhere around the natural hair blogs and forums that V05 conditioners are the best when it comes to co-washing for two reasons, one - it's cheap about 1.74$ or less, and two they smell good and moisturize. I did my fist co-wash yesterday followed by my shampoo for the month. I have to do more research on co-washing. What I did was, dampen my hair after I did my length check. I waited for my hair to curl up. After, I poured a good amount of conditioner in my hands and massaged my scalp with it. I did it about two times before I washed it out and proceeded with my shampoo. After I shampooed I conditioned my hair with the V05 one more time before moving on to my Hello Hydration Conditioner for deep conditioning.I read that you're supposed to section your hair in four parts and like work it into your scalp. Supposedly it's a process? I want to do it the right way. It's supposed to be a great way to condition your hair and moisturize your scalp to promote growth; so it needs to be done correctly. Some people do it weekly, some do it monthly while others do it faithfully everyday! I will be doing it weekly so I know I am going to need a few more bottles. Personally, I just like the smell of all of them. I was torn between the classic Strawberries and Cream that EVERYBODY uses and the Strawberries and well as the passion fruit. I went with the Strawberries and Cream simply because it's a MOISTURE MILK and my hair needs moisture!

After watching these videos again I saw what I did wrong.
1. I needed to dampen my hair.
2. I needed to part my hair into sections.
3. I needed to moisturize and focus on each section separately.


  1. This is the only product i use. It has some good slip which helps with my detangling section.

  2. I'm not natural but I thought co-washing was an alternative to shampooing?! I cowash 1-2 times a wk for moisture and follow up with leave ins! Again I'm not natural but try again with shampooing :)
